Sunday, July 28, 2013

Finally a few words from Peru

Hello Patient Friends and Family! Remember I said "No news is Good News"? Well, it has been good, very good here in the southern hemisphere!

I tried to send several updates along the travel route but was thwarted at every try! :) We are staying in a little house just outside the construction site for the new Bible college. The college is amazing and coming along well. We have been working hard tiling, dry wallling and even doing some plumbing! 

We did a 2 day VBS in a small plaza in a pueblo called Jesus. We ministered to more than 140 kids and many accepting Jesus as the Savior!

We are staying pretty healthy with a few having headaches and a little nausea from the altitude. But so far everyone is physically doing well.

We are getting ready to attend church at a small Calvary here in the mountains of Cajamarca.
The landscape is a beautiful declaration of God's glory! The sky is beautiful, the mountains even more amazing and at night the sky is so clear we can see the milkyway.

We are blessed to be here and hope to send out another update before we leave but can't promise as internet and phones usage is very difficult to find. 
Please keep us in your prayers for continued health, protection and anointing of the Holy Spirit in all we do!

Unto Him~
Cajamarca, Peru